Category: <span>Health</span>

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Saathi - She is Key

Saathi- Ahmedabad based startup manufacturing sanitary napkins from banana fibers!

When it comes to hygiene products, sometimes we use non-biodegradable products without any regret. But plastic or non-biodegradable packaging or chemicals can harm our mother earth. Each year on average, 1 million tons of sanitary pads waste is generated in India. So, the sanitary waste generated by every woman during her entire life is huge...

A24 group - She is Key

A24 Group- The rags to riches story of Penny Streeter!

Ever heard of a rags to riches story? Well, the story of Penny is one such in the history of business women. While going through an article that listed the most influential women of the UK, I found Penny Streeter’s name there and later was astonished to see that she owns multiple ventures.  She is...

Live better with - She is Key

Live Better With- making the lives of people with various health conditions.

We all are aware about the difficulties cancer patients go through during the treatment. But only few know the struggles with which the survivors navigate their lives after therapy. Witnessing the hardships cancer patients go through after observing her grandparents, Rajah started ‘Live Better With’, an online shop for cancer patients based in UK.  “If...

Gynoveda - She is Key

Gynoveda – let Ayurveda take care of your menstrual health!

Ayurveda is something that is still underestimated by many people. But Indians in everyday life, definitely use some of the things that are actually examples of ayurveda. Indian grandmothers were so determined to make their grandkids drink the juice of leaves like tulsi and many more. Even today, the world is slowly recognizing the power...

Nuritas - Life-changing Discoveries

Nuritas- improving human health with the aid of Artificial Intelligence.

Recently, Nuritas, a Dublin based data and life sciences startup has been featured on many websites as one of the most innovative start-ups across the globe. Led by Dr. Nora Khaldi, Nuritas combines artificial intelligence and genomics to discover and unlock natural Bioactive Peptides with extraordinary health benefits. Owing to Dr. Nora Khaldi’s background in...

Menstrupedia - She is Key

Menstrupedia, the wikipedia of menstruation by Aditi Gupta and Tuhin Pal!

Menstruation – A word that can invoke different types of reactions from different people, none of which match with the actual fact that it’s just a biological process. How often do women whisper to each other about menstrual issues as if saying it out aloud is unacceptable! Well, with creative initiatives like Menstrupedia, trying to...

She is Key