Farmbox direct- Ashley Tyrner making absolute needs affordable!

Farmbox Direct - Ashley Tyrner - She is Key
Most of us here, who are able to surf through internet and read this article right now are the ones that are able to afford and access food that has the minimum requirement of nutrients fulfilled. Having everything right a call or a doorstep away is a blessing.

The problem of the other side was noticed by the Founder, Ashley Tyrner, who had gone through food stamps when her husband left her for good because of her pregnancy. She didn’t really even possess a college degree in hand to start off a job to support herself and the baby girl she was expecting. She moved to New York City from California to stay with her friends. She couldn’t afford good quality food her daughter and herself. She had to walk even for the food she could afford, as she had no vehicle. So she bought only what sufficed for a few days.

The very situation she was facing led her to establishing Farmbox Direct, with the goal to make accessible the freshest and healthiest food to the doorsteps of the customer. How accessible? Well, the services begin from a cost of $39. Farmbox Direct also delivers boxes of farm-fresh food to you in three different box sizes to choose from.

Tyrner currently is the CEO of Farmbox Direct that she launched in 2014 and has seen her company grow over the years to now become a multi-million-dollar company with the motive of improving the lifestyles of people at affordable costs. From someone living on food stamps to becoming the CEO of Farmbox Direct had its share to teach Tyrner about leadership skills, confidence and attitude.

Your attitude and how you manage people, makes or breaks a company,” she said.

She had also had people who were skeptical upon the idea of her running the company without a proper educational qualification and especially, her status as a woman. “There was one VC meeting that I walked out of,” she said.

I had a VC say to me, ‘Could you please tell me what’s in the business bank account? Because you didn’t go to college, and women as a whole are really known to not be superbly great with money.’”

Well, she’s got more to say, addressing upcoming and potential entrepreneurs

When I was on food stamps, my Rolodex was thick with contacts from my time of living in California, but my wallet wasn’t,” she added. “I really learned that networking is key.”

To boost the confidence of anyone who plans to launch their idea as a product, she has an advice to give.

One of my biggest tips for entrepreneurs is to just go for it if you have a great concept and you have a great idea,” she said.

She will soon also launch another company, Harlow’s Harvest, alongside her daughter. This will be a monthly subscription box where children get to learn their ways into the kitchen and the importance of food and proper nutrition in an interactive and fun filled manner.

She is Key