Live Tinted- a diverse and inclusive beauty platform by Deepica Mutyala

Live tinted - Deepica - She is Key

YouTube which started off as a video sharing app which now serves as a platform for people from different parts of the world to express themselves. MUA Tutorials are something that can hook most of the girls and I was no exception. I discovered Deepica Mutyala’s Channel when I was in High School and was a fan ever since. Deepica Mutyala is the founder of the community ‘Live Tinted’ and has recently come up with her astonishing product, ‘Huestick’.

Deepica started garnering attention thanks to her viral video where she is seen using a red lipstick to color correct her skin. Currently, that video has over 10 million views and was a breakthrough video as lipstick was used under her eyes. Deepica Mutyala is also taking Instagram by storm as a social media influencer with her peppy outfits and inclusive makeup. Being an Indian, she always found it hard to spot makeup that suits her tone. She has also worked with The Today Show and global giants like Samsung and Loreal.

She recalls, “I feel very fortunate because I have been given these opportunities – brown women don’t get to see ourselves in campaigns like MAC and L’Oreal. That’s what motivated me to what to change things.” 

Deepica previously worked for Birchbox, a company that specialized in providing monthy beauty and grooming subscription boxes. Her then boss, Hayley Barna encouraged Deepica to start a ‘brown community’. But Deepica was apprehensive of the move and instead started focusing on building a firm network first. After three of building connections and creating an ideal set of audience, Mutyala launched her online community, ‘Live Tinted’ in 2017.

Live Tinted is a digital community that focuses on unconventional beauty that is diverse and comes from all parts of the world. It is essentially a platform where underrepresented people in beauty come forward to share their stories and their tough ride with beauty and culture.

For Deepica, Live Tinted is more of a movement than a platform. She believes that beauty is a very powerful tool to represent a community. On LT, women can have discussion about their skin needs, product ideas and much more. Segments like ‘Tintorials’ which help you identify the right huestick for you tone and ‘Hue to know’ , that teaches you the art of color correction make Live Tinted all the more special.

Deepica strives to make the live-tinted community cultured, inclusive, kind and thoughtful where ideas and products developed offer something for everyone while thoughtful about the raw materials used and remaining cruelty-free.

“I’ve always dreamt of creating my own beauty brand because I rarely saw one that felt catered to me. The overwhelming feedback to the Live Tinted community let me know that I wasn’t alone in feeling left out of the beauty narrative. We made our first product based on our community’s needs—a majority mentioned their struggle with dark spots, hyperpigmentation and dark circles. Huestick is a manifestation of everything I’ve wanted, and I’ve also been able to address the very beauty concern that surfaced from my video that went viral four years ago” says Deepica.

Huestick is the first ever product designed for color correction and is multi-purpose. Apart from color correction, it can also be used as a blush, eye-shadow or a lipstick. It is to be dabbed gently onto the dark spots and areas of more pigmentation. The Huestick is a quality product that is completely safe for your skin as it contains hyaluronic acid, squalene, and Vitamin C + E to deliver you makeup with a tinge of skincare.

As for the future, Deepica looks forward to come up with new products and expand her business to various parts of the world. To buy the ‘Huestick’ right now, head to You can also have watch some amazing skincare and makeup tutorials there or can head to Deepica Mutyala’s YouTube Channel for some fun beauty content.

She is Key