Plixxo – Be an influencer for your favourite brand!

Plixxo - She is Key

Girls love to read, watch, hangout and shop on various things and topics depending on their mood… don’t you girls? So, to do all these things how many apps do we maintain on our phone? Minimum of four, as we are talking about doing four different things at the same time. How about we get one single app that can satisfy us to the most on all our girly fantasies and interests? So, attention ladies! We are here to present you “POPxo”, the one and only app for all our girly gossip, shopping advice, hanging out and much more!

Keeping the part of entertainment aside, how many of us at least once in their lifetime have fantasised about being an Influencer to promote our own brand or our favourite brand? Either we were nine years old or nineteen years old, but we all wanted it to happen someday in our lives, atleast at one point of time. POPxo has come up with “Plixxo” to make those discarded fantasies of ours come true!

“POPxo” launched “Plixxo” in June 2017, when its founder and CEO, Priyanka Gill acknowledged the need for bringing individual influencers under one platform to have a better positioning of the brands they work with. Infact, having one Influencer marketing platform is an evergreen idea for any kind of company for positioning its product in various media at the same time.

Influncer marketing is not just about posting instagram stories or facebook posts, but it also includes bloggers, celebrities, YouTubers, instagram Influencers and also campus ambassadors.

Plixxo does not solely focus on making you a Influencer, it will also let your brand be influenced by the Influncer base it has. If raising a fund of INR 37 crore is a huge achievement for a startup company, how about I say, plixxo is now India’s largest Influencer Marketing Platform and a booming startup?

POPxo itself has been running Influncer campaigns since 2015, but having to manage them all along with all other aspects was a tough task for them. So, they came up with the solution named “plixxo”, a Influencer marketing platform for all kinds of brands and influencers. Having Plixxo with them made their work of running campaigns more easier and their promotions measurable.

Plixxo is a user-friendly platform. All you need to do is, go to the plixxo website and choose whether you want to be an Influencer or if you want to promote your brand, and then the website would be directing you with certain instructions and requirements needed to be an influencer. Check whether you meet the requirements and voila! You can join the team and start earning.

The company was able to reach out to around 26,000 Influncers with a collection range of 60 million with their influencers being present across 370 cities in the country. They were able to run nearly 80 campaigns successfully by 2018. For a startup company, this achievement is pretty huge!

With the rate of the current growth, it is inevitable that they have a achieved a lot in a short period of time.
They have worked with many popular brands like Maybelline, Puma, Jabong, Nike, Fastrack, etc.,With the blooming business and having an amazing team of Influncers it is obvious that plixxo is expected to scale greater heights.

She is Key