Tiber River Naturals- an all natural line of skincare by Adriana and Michelle!

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Tiber River Naturals

Every woman can relate to the struggle, where managing both work and home is a challenge. But after a consistent struggle, Adriana De Luca has set up Tiber River Naturals based in Canada and is now managing both home and work successfully.

Almost 20 years ago, Adriana De Luca wanted to start a business that would allow her to work from home while caring for her children. She started creating her own natural line of products in her kitchen, which has since developed into a wide range of products including bath items, household cleaning supplies, hair-care products and more.

In 2005, Michelle Lalonde joined the business to help build on Adriana’s vision of quality products made from natural ingredients. Tiber River now has two spa locations in Winnipeg and direct-to-customer sales through Tiber River sales consultants.

I had absolutely no business experience whatsoever when I started Tiber River, but I have always believed things are possible. It is because of that belief I have been extremely tenacious in everything I do.I’ve never bought into the idea that you have to work 12+ hours a day and give up everything else in life to build a successful company,” says Adriana.

The business has witnessed a slower growth rate because of the two founders raising their respective families, but both had the flexibility to create balance in their personal lives and for their team i the long run.

When I started Tiber River, I had concerned friends who were worried I’d be wasting my money and that banks wouldn’t lend to me. I listened to their concerns and tried to make plans to consider those concerns, but in the end, I have never let someone tell me what my abilities are,” adds Adriana.

Just like every other Mom, Adriana excels at constantly rethinking her strategy and changing course as whenever needed. Tiber River’s operating mandate, in fact, reflects a philosophy the leadership team affectionately calls “vuja de”: it reads as: “We always doubt the default and look for a better way. We never stay content with doing things just because that’s how we’ve always done them.” 

For De Luca and Lalonde, Tiber River Naturals has always been about providing women, men, and children with products that are good for their bodies, homes, as well as the environment and in 2005 people were finally able to get pampered with Tiber River Naturals products in a relaxing and enjoyable spa atmosphere.

In 2009, Adriana and Michelle opened their second Tiber River Spa location. With a strong passion for the products and the idea behind creating happiness naturally, while searching for a way to grow outside Manitoba borders, they looked back to how it all began, home parties. And so, coming full circle, in 2012 Tiber at Home was born. Tiber at Home is direct to customer sales division with a team of Tiber River Sales Consultant creating happiness naturally all across Canada.

Today, Tiber River Naturals is a proud, Canadian woman-owned and operated company with multiple retail locations in Winnipeg, a thriving network of consultants and over 300 SKUs. From bath and body care to child and cleaning products, everything they offer is hand-made with unique formulas and manufactured locally on a daily basis.

So if you are looking for some exotic range of skincare, please hop on to www.tiberriver.ca to shop Tiber River Naturals products and let us know your favourite product in the comments below!

She is Key